Using ToxShield™ Suite get quick access our predictive toxicogenomics models to screen and rank your compounds, providing toxicologists and lead optimization scientists in your organization with specific information to enhance their decision-making process.
Gene Logic’s expertise in microarray data generation, predictive toxicogenomic analyses, and interpretation of customers’ compounds has facilitated the discovery and validation of accurate markers of toxicity. Now you can quickly access our predictive toxicogenomics models to screen and rank your compounds, providing toxicologists and lead optimization scientists in your organization with specific information to enhance their decision-making process.
With ToxShield™ Suite, you can analyze your data directly using secure, web-based software, or fully deployed behind your firewall. This easy, intuitive workflow (diagrammed below) yields a comprehensive report in as little as 2-4 hours (e.g. when starting with up to 20 .CEL files from either Affymetrix Rat Genome 230 2.0 or Rat Genome U34A Arrays).

ToxShield™ Suite Workflow
ToxShield™ Suite enables you to:
- Expand your internal knowledge base of toxicogenomic marker response across diverse compounds
- Rank candidate leads within and between compound series using toxicity assessments provided by validated predictive models
- Assess the likelihood that the reported pathology will occur by observing the probability scores
- Compare the compound’s predictive profile to a large database of reference compound profiles
- Identify new or additional clinical pathology parameters that may need to be included in downstream Preclinical studies
- Develop screening assays for related compounds or chemical series based on Gene Logic’s toxicity markers
Example of rank ordering candidate leads:
ToxShield™ Suite offers an integrated rank ordering feature. You can compare multiple compounds to each other relative to their toxicity scores for each predictive model. The analysis ranks compounds based on these scores as illustrated in the diagram to below.

Ranking Based on Compound Scores
ToxShield™ Suite Availability:
Gene Logic offers ToxShield™ Suite as an enterprise-wide web application or as a fully deployed server application. The user interface will support multiple prediction model systems; however, the initial release of this software contains only in vivo rat liver predictive models.