
Achieving higher yield(s) and conceiving even higher throughput in operations has always been the goal of the Crop Science and Agri-Biotech companies world-wide. Increased throughputs calls for higher quality assurance, higher quality tracking to mitigate the risks and associated failure costs. In a dynamic vertical like that of the Crop Sciences, higher throughput alleviates the risk of ensuring sustainable success and hence, demands for an effective and in-detail tracking of aspects of the diverse process and workflows. Efficient tracking of in-detail information can be achieved through a robust Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) like the Biotracker™. Industry specific, Cost Effective, Ease-of-use, Flexibility, Ease-of-Implementation are few of those highly appreciated elements of the Biotracker™ that won this application a special place in Agri-Biotech implementations worldwide and better known as “Only Agri LIMS™”in the market.
Why Ocimum’s BioAgri LIMS™
- Specifically conceptualized, designed and developed for Crop Sciences vertical.
- Pre-configured and custom configurable Crop Science modules and work flows.
- The only Agri LIMS in the market implemented in worlds largest Agri R&D, CRO’s and Academic Organizations.
- Efficient and out of the box functions for both Traditional and Advanced Agri research processes.
- Provides an interface for networking between laboratories, green house and field scientists.
- Increased turn-around for Service and Research based operations.
- Helps efficient compliance with standards, guidelines and audits.
- Simple, easy to use, fully web based LIMS.
Agri Specific Modules
- Gene Banks
- Germplasm Banks
- Tag/Barcode Germplasm
- Tissue Culture
- Nursery and Plot Management
- Field Trials
- Plant Genealogy
- Breed Selection and Trait comparisons
- Green House Management
- Seed Testing
- Plant Genomics
- Mating Plot Management.
- Image Collation.
- Customized Nomenclature for pedigree, genotyping and breeder’s conventions.
- Pedigree Data Management
- Statistical Analyses.
- Seed Inventory Management.
- Audit trails, User logs, GLP and GXP, 21 CFR Part 11,
- International Treaties for Crop Development
- Plant material Import and Export regulations
Functional Modules
- Organization, Facility users, groups management
- Roles management
- Instrument Management
- Inventory Management
- Sample/Live stock Management
- Inventory Reorder or Restocking
- Scheduling – Instruments, Resources, Samples and Test
- Customer, PI and PI staff, Vendor and Collaborators Management
- Customer/PI Service request Management
- Results and Reports tracking
- Invoice
- Reports
Administration Modules
- Utilities – ID & 2D Barcodes, Green house tags, Tasks list, Dashboards, Email and SMS notifications
- Administrator – Manage settings, configurations, fields, modules, vocabulary
Software Functions
- Web based, browser-independent solution
- Works on tablet PCs and Smart phones
- Offered as “On premise” solution and “SaaS” model
- APIs for easy, faster and secured data exchange with third party software and instruments
- Database Independent
Process/Workflow Modules
- SOP/Protocol Management
- Workflow or Process Design
- Test, Experiment and Assay Design.
- Module Design
- Instrument Interfacing
- Third party software interfacing
- International crop databases interfacing
- Scale to Enterprise Crop Information System
- Plant Breeding: Gene Banks and Germplasm Banking, Genetic Diversity, Field Trails, Plant Breeding and Selection and Plant/Seed Health
- Plant Genomics: Transformations, Sequencing, Next Gen Sequencing, Genotyping, Gene Expression and DNA Analysis studies.
- Plant Proteomics: High Throughput facilities involved in proteomics based Marker Selection of plant varieties, Plant-pathogen interaction studies etc.
- Plant Tissue Culture: For tissue culture based units involved in commercial mass propagation of crop species and ornamental plants, event management, event-set based management and commercial media and stocks management.
- Plant Products and Neutraceutical Manufacturing: LIMS for phyto-manufacturing, QC suites, trending and out-of-specification handling.
- Diagnostics: Disease diagnosis services, pesticide contamination diagnosis, fermentation analyses and chemical analyses.
- Horticulture: For gardeners, plant societies, nurseries to plan experiments, organize and manage plant lists, plant specific characteristics databases, layout planning, weather maps and yield recording.